Building Schools that Balance Technology & Human Connection

In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Jack George, an innovative educator and leader in the field of education technology. We dive into the fascinating world of School 3.0, where blockchain technology, AI, and character education intersect. Jack shares Aiglon College’s journey towards creating a new system of badging, using Merits and Demerits as a form of currency. We explore the potential of NFTs and blockchain for student data ownership, as well as the importance of resilience in education. From the future of schools to the role of AI in education, this conversation is a thought-provoking exploration of the changing landscape of learning.

Episode Outline

- Introduction to Jack George and his role in leading innovation in education technology.

- School 3.0: Exploring the use of Merits and Demerits as a form of badging and currency within the school.

- The potential of blockchain technology and NFTs for student data ownership and validation of credentials.

- The role of character education and the celebration of soft skills in the future of education.

- The importance of resilience as an ongoing skill and the use of skills wheels to track soft skill development.

- Exploring Aiglon College's forward-thinking approach to reimagining education.

- The launch of a new AI project and the potential of artificial general intelligence (AGI) in education.

- The need to reimagine education and find the balance between technology and human connection.

- Collaboration with other schools and think tanks to roll out the School 3.0 framework.

- The responsibility of educators to drive positive change in education.

Jack George | Aiglon College

Key Quotes

- "We're looking at how these things intersect and looking for ways to incentivize good behaviour and character traits, and demerits for weakening or negative character traits." [Timestamp: 00:04:25]

- "The ultimate aim is that students would own their credentials and achievements for life, beyond school." [Timestamp: 00:14:30]

- "AI can augment teachers, make them more efficient, amplify their impact, but it can't teach students how to be good, kind, world-changing humans." [Timestamp: 00:19:05]

- "What if we could genuinely prove personhood online and protect our children from bots?" [Timestamp: 00:38:40]

- "Education is at a crossroads. We need to reimagine education because when AGI comes, our whole lives will change. All that we think we know will have to be questioned and reevaluated." [Timestamp: 00:49:15]

Thank you for tuning in, and as always, if you found this episode useful, please share your experience. You can find me online on Twitter, LinkedIN and Instagram: @leaningshane. My website is


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