Impactful interviews with renowned thought leaders and deep-dives in to international school trends and strategies, to support you in your international school leadership journey.

GLOBAL ED LEADERS has topped the School Podcast charts in countries across the world* and is in the top 10% of all podcasts globally*.

*#1 podcast in Apple Podcast Charts in Hong Kong, Ireland, April 2024, Top 10% data from ListenNotes

Tune in every week:

Building Leadership Masterminds

This conversation explores the concept of being a ruckus maker in education and the role of a Mastermind community in supporting school leaders. Chief Ruckus-Maker, Danny Bauer and I explore challenges faced by leaders, the structure and benefits of a mastermind, and the impact it has on participants. The conversation also emphasises the importance of continuous growth, collaboration, and creating sustainable leadership in education.

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Teacher Retention Strategies

If you're an international school leader grappling with teacher retention or looking to empower your staff, this episode is a must-listen. I dive deep into the complexities of transitioning experienced educators into new roles and schools, alongside Sarah Kupke—a leader in professional learning and development at ECIS. We dive into strategies for mentoring, professional growth, and nurturing a positive school culture that values every teacher’s strengths at any career stage.

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Language & Culture, Strategy Shane Leaning Language & Culture, Strategy Shane Leaning

The Power of a Team

Andrea Honigsfeld shares her insights on the power of collaboration in education, emphasising the value of teamwork and diverse perspectives in supporting multilingual learners and promoting cultural inclusivity. We discuss the importance of challenging biases, engaging in difficult conversations, and prioritising students' assets. Andrea highlights the significance of collaboration not just among teachers, but also with paraprofessionals, coaches, administrators, and families, stressing the two-way dynamic interaction for meaningful engagement.

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Strategy, Personal Development Shane Leaning Strategy, Personal Development Shane Leaning

Balancing Your Values and Expectations

As an international school leader, do you sometimes find yourself caught between the demands of educational excellence and balancing the books? Today's episode will empower you with strategies to bridge the gap between personal values and organisational expectations.

I chat with Matt Hall, Director of Making Stuff Better, who brings his insights on transforming leadership tensions into progressive energy and aligning the soul of education with the rigors of finance. Tune in for an invigorating discussion that will resonate with every educational leader striving to lead with authenticity and courage.

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Professional Development, Strategy Shane Leaning Professional Development, Strategy Shane Leaning

How to Build Influential Middle Leaders

In this episode, we unpack the nuanced role of middle leaders with Liz Benson. Liz, a visionary in the field with over two decades of experience, discusses the evolution of middle leadership, its complexities, and the need to celebrate its unique significance. Tune in to discover actionable strategies for bolstering middle leaders, learn about the five dimensions of Trust from Griffith University's research, and recognise the potency of advocacy and influence within your team.

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Strategy Shane Leaning Strategy Shane Leaning

Cut Back to Achieve More in Your School

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Dr. Arran Hamilton, Author, Researcher and Group Director of Education at Cognition Education. We dove deep into the concept of doing less to achieve more in education. Dr. Hamilton, who has worked closely with John Hattie and Dylan Wiliam, shared insights into the process of de-implementation in schools. Our discussion revealed that not all educational practices are equally effective, and by de-implementing, we can actually enhance student learning.

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Professional Development, Strategy Shane Leaning Professional Development, Strategy Shane Leaning

How to Build a Professional Learning Culture

Shane Leaning speaks with Cindy Adair, the Assistant Principal for Continued Professional Learning at Bangkok Patana School in Thailand. Cindy shares her pioneering approach to professional development in education. She delves into the transformation of performance management systems, emphasising teacher ownership, evidence-based education, and continuous improvement. Cindy outlines innovative strategies like instructional coaching, professional growth conversations, and integrating various educational tools for effective CPD.

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Strategy, Quick Tips Shane Leaning Strategy, Quick Tips Shane Leaning

The Paradox of Leadership: When Your Best Strategy Becomes Your Worst

This episode explores the concept of leadership flexibility and how the most effective strategies can become counterproductive if not adapted to changing contexts. Shane discusses the idea of a "lethal mutation" where a once successful approach mutates into something that hinders progress. He provides a 5 step framework centered around consistent self-assessment, seeking feedback, being open to change, avoiding ego traps, and ongoing professional development focused on adaptive leadership skills. Through real world examples and references to books like Thinking Fast and Slow, Emotional Intelligence, and Brené Brown's work, Shane emphasizes that continuous learning, evaluation, and a willingness to pivot strategies based on outcomes are key to sustainable leadership success over the long term.

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Fidelity vs. Adaptation in Professional Learning

Professor Rob Coe, a leading figure in evidence-based education delves into the complexities and paradoxes surrounding instructional coaching, a topic that has gained significant attention in educational circles. The conversation explores the tension between research and real-world application, between fidelity and adaptation, the importance of time allocation in professional development, and the need for adaptive expertise among teachers and leaders.

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Technology, Strategy, Big Questions Shane Leaning Technology, Strategy, Big Questions Shane Leaning

Building Schools that Balance Technology & Human Connection

Jack George, an innovative educator and leader in the field of education technology shares the fascinating world of School 3.0, where blockchain technology, AI, and character education intersect. Jack shares Aiglon College’s journey towards creating a new system of badging, using Merits and Demerits as a form of currency. We explore the potential of NFTs and blockchain for student data ownership, as well as the importance of resilience in education. From the future of schools to the role of AI in education, this conversation is a thought-provoking exploration of the changing landscape of learning.

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Technology, Big Questions, Strategy Shane Leaning Technology, Big Questions, Strategy Shane Leaning

Leading for an Ambiguous, AI-Driven Future

Dan FitzPatrick, award-winning author and EdTech strategist Dan offers invaluable insights into navigating the AI revolution. In the second of two-part episode, we explore the landscape of AI and its impact on schools, as well as practical strategies for leaders. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your AI efforts to the next level, Dan has the expertise to guide you. Tune in to Global Ed Leaders and join us on the frontlines of educational innovation.

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