Impactful interviews with renowned thought leaders and deep-dives in to international school trends and strategies, to support you in your international school leadership journey.

GLOBAL ED LEADERS has topped the School Podcast charts in countries across the world* and is in the top 10% of all podcasts globally*.

*#1 podcast in Apple Podcast Charts in Hong Kong, Ireland, April 2024, Top 10% data from ListenNotes

Tune in every week:

Infographics: A Beautiful Distraction?

I take a critical look at the growing popularity of infographics and one-pagers in education. While I acknowledge their aesthetic appeal and potential as conversation starters, as exemplified by the brilliant work of Jamie Clark and the WalkThrus guides, I argue that an overreliance on these simplified visual guides may be holding educators back from deeper understanding and effective implementation.

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Quick Tips Shane Leaning Quick Tips Shane Leaning

How to Manage Staff Room Negativity

Have you ever been caught in the crossfire of a staff room venting session? As leaders, it's a delicate tightrope to walk—balancing empathy with professionalism. This week, I break down the "C.A.L.M.I.T." model, a straightforward, six-step approach designed to help you navigate these challenging moments without losing your cool.

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Quick Tips Shane Leaning Quick Tips Shane Leaning

How to see through a sales pitch

I discuss five critical questions that every school leader should ask when approached by vendors. These questions are designed to evaluate whether the propositions align with existing school needs, are supported by robust evidence, and offer sustainable benefits. My aim is to equip you with the tools needed to approach these situations with confidence and make informed choices that have a real impact on your school.

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Language & Culture, Pedagogy, Quick Tips Shane Leaning Language & Culture, Pedagogy, Quick Tips Shane Leaning

Free EAL Lesson | Get Your Teacher Talk Right

As an international school leader, do you sometimes find yourself caught between the demands of educational excellence and balancing the books? Today's episode will empower you with strategies to bridge the gap between personal values and organisational expectations.

I dive into the theory of comprehensible input, drawing from Stephen Krashen's research. This key concept focuses on providing language learners with input just beyond their current level, emphasising the importance of meaning over form and the natural order of language acquisition. I discuss practical strategies for making teacher talk more comprehensible, including an innovative method using AI transcription software to evaluate and adjust language grading for EAL students. Plus, I offer a special discount for listeners to join the full EAL course, where you can access over 30 comprehensive lessons and an exclusive online community.

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Language & Culture, Quick Tips Shane Leaning Language & Culture, Quick Tips Shane Leaning

Learning a second language? Develop your mother tongue

In revisiting my 2017 TEDx talk on the importance of home languages in global education, I delve into why nurturing native languages remains crucial. Sharing personal stories and insights, I highlight the cognitive and emotional benefits of bilingualism, particularly in a global context. Through examples like a Korean student's experience in China and policy shifts in Hong Kong, I advocate for a balanced language learning approach that integrates cultural and linguistic heritage.

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Quick Tips, Professional Development Shane Leaning Quick Tips, Professional Development Shane Leaning

Gamifying Professional Development: The Scorecard Method

I share a powerful tool to unlock the power of professional development in schools. I introduce the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) and their report on effective professional development. I explain the three ways to identify professional development: forms, programs, and mechanisms. I then dive into the 14 mechanisms identified by the EEF that make professional development effective. Additionally, I suggest four additional mechanisms that are relevant to international schools and conclude by introducing a PD scorecard for gamifying professional development.

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Quick Tips Shane Leaning Quick Tips Shane Leaning

Which Social Media Platform is best for Educators?

Which is the best social media platform for educators? I focus on X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn, sharing my personal experiences and insights on how these platforms have evolved into essential tools for professional growth and networking in education. The discussion emphasises the unique features and community dynamics of each platform, highlighting how they can facilitate meaningful conversations and connections amongst educators and thought leaders.

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Quick Tips Shane Leaning Quick Tips Shane Leaning

Become a Master of Difficult Conversations

I explore how to handle difficult as a school leader. This discussion is particularly pertinent for school leaders, teachers, and anyone in a managerial role who grapples with the challenge of providing feedback that is both impactful and compassionate.

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Personal Development, Quick Tips Shane Leaning Personal Development, Quick Tips Shane Leaning

The Art of Bouncing Back: A School Leader's Guide to Resilience

In this episode of "Global Ed Leaders," I delve into the importance of resilience and adaptability in educational leadership, sharing a personal anecdote of a recent visa issue I encountered on a trip from Vietnam to Shanghai. This unexpected setback forced me to stay in Hong Kong temporarily, turning what initially felt like a frustrating mistake into an enriching learning opportunity. I discuss how such challenges, though often daunting, can be reframed as chances for growth and development. Drawing insights from thought leaders like Daniel Goleman, Carol Dweck, and Brené Brown, I explore themes of emotional resilience, the growth mindset, and the power of vulnerability. The episode emphasizes the value of immediate response strategies, seeking support, and adapting with innovative solutions when facing setbacks, encouraging listeners to view challenges as opportunities for personal and professional growth.

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Professional Development, Quick Tips Shane Leaning Professional Development, Quick Tips Shane Leaning

Maximising Conference ROI: Translating Insights into School-wide Impact

I unravel the journey of transforming the treasure trove of insights garnered from educational conferences into actionable strategies that resonate across the school community. Delving into the narrative of pre-conference alignment, engaging post-conference speakers, structured sharing sessions, post-conference coaching, and reflective surveys, I shed light on how school leaders can morph passive conference attendance into vibrant, school-wide learning experiences. With a blend of pragmatic approaches, I aim to empower educational leaders to create a ripple effect of continuous learning and improvement within their domains. Tune in to unlock the potential of conference learnings and ignite a culture of growth in your school!

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Strategy, Quick Tips Shane Leaning Strategy, Quick Tips Shane Leaning

The Paradox of Leadership: When Your Best Strategy Becomes Your Worst

This episode explores the concept of leadership flexibility and how the most effective strategies can become counterproductive if not adapted to changing contexts. Shane discusses the idea of a "lethal mutation" where a once successful approach mutates into something that hinders progress. He provides a 5 step framework centered around consistent self-assessment, seeking feedback, being open to change, avoiding ego traps, and ongoing professional development focused on adaptive leadership skills. Through real world examples and references to books like Thinking Fast and Slow, Emotional Intelligence, and Brené Brown's work, Shane emphasizes that continuous learning, evaluation, and a willingness to pivot strategies based on outcomes are key to sustainable leadership success over the long term.

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Personal Development, Quick Tips Shane Leaning Personal Development, Quick Tips Shane Leaning

How to Craft Your Personal Leadership Mission and Vision

I delve into the crucial topic of crafting a personal mission and vision, particularly for those in leadership roles within international schools. I discuss the significance of having a well-defined mission and vision as guiding stars for your professional journey. Additionally, I share a powerful visualization exercise to help you connect with your future self and set clear intentions for your leadership path.

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