The Paradox of Leadership: When Your Best Strategy Becomes Your Worst

I discuss the concept of "leadership flexibility" and how strategies that were once effective can become counterproductive if not adapted to changing contexts. I also define the concept of a "lethal mutation" where an effective strategy mutates into something counterproductive.

To finish, I provide a 5-step framework for developing leadership flexibility:
1. Consistent self-assessment
2. Seeking feedback from others
3. Being open to change
4. Avoiding ego by focusing on student outcomes rather than personal achievements
5. Ongoing professional development focused on adaptive leadership skills

Resources and books mentioned include:
- Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
- Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
- "The Power of Vulnerability" TED talk by Brené Brown
- Good to Great by Jim Collins

Thank you for tuning in, and as always, if you found this episode useful, please share your experience. You can find me online on Twitter, LinkedIN and Instagram: @leaningshane. My website is

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About the host

Shane Leaning is a passionate leadership development enthusiast with over 11 years of international teaching and leadership experience. His approach to coaching and professional development is all about approachability and attentiveness to the unique strengths and contexts of schools and educators. Shane believes that empowerment fosters growth and success for both educators and students alike.


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