Fidelity vs. Adaptation in Professional Learning

I chat with Rob Coe, a leading figure in evidence-based education. We delve into the complexities and paradoxes surrounding instructional coaching, a topic that has gained significant attention in educational circles. The conversation explores the tension between research and real-world application, between fidelity and adaptation, the importance of time allocation in professional development, and the need for adaptive expertise among teachers and leaders.

00:01:00 Coaching: Popular, evidence-based, directional, different interpretations.

00:03:58 Paradoxical research undermines evidence-based practice in schools.

00:07:54 Coaching can make teacher development scalable.

00:12:04 Overestimating our abilities, limited classroom feedback, important feedback tools.

00:15:49 Scalability and adaptation are crucial in education.

00:18:45 Complexity of classrooms and students necessitates flexibility.

00:21:19 Understanding theory and its application in learning.

00:24:08 Groups of teachers learn theory, use resources.

00:28:49 Starting point: thinking, reading, experimenting for improvement.

00:32:27 Prioritize professional learning for sustainable impact.

00:36:02 Start with staff, evidence, and dialogue.

00:37:19 Rob's insights challenge leaders to confront the research-application gap by prioritizing professional learning and reconciling evidence-based practices with classroom complexity.

Professor Rob Coe | Evidence Based Education

Key Quotes

  • “Adaptation is not a bug, it’s a feature.” -Rob Coe

  • "Time is really, really important. Time is a barrier, but I am just incredibly intolerant of that as an excuse." - Rob Coe

  • "If you're a leader of an organisation, your responsibility is to develop strategy... So if there isn't enough time to do something, that's because you've chosen to do other things." - Rob Coe

  • "Professional learning is the most powerful thing you can do to improve students' learning... professional learning is the biggest lever you've got." - Rob Coe

  • "Are we, as leaders, merely reacting to the immediate needs of our institutions, or are we proactively carving out time for what truly matters?" - Shane Leaning


Resources Mentioned

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About the host

Shane Leaning is a passionate leadership development enthusiast with over 11 years of international teaching and leadership experience. His approach to coaching and professional development is all about approachability and attentiveness to the unique strengths and contexts of schools and educators. Shane believes that empowerment fosters growth and success for both educators and students alike.


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