The Art of Bouncing Back: A School Leader's Guide to Resilience

This week, I delve into a personal experience where I stumbled quite significantly but managed to find a silver lining in it. It's all about transforming setbacks into stepping stones. We'll explore how to incorporate resilience and forward-thinking when faced with unexpected challenges.

I'll share my recent visa mishap, which unexpectedly stranded me in Hong Kong and how I turned this situation into a learning and growth opportunity by connecting with inspiring educators here. This episode is a journey through handling setbacks, with a focus on resilience, practical strategies, and emotional intelligence.

Key Quotes

"I'm going to be honest – this week I messed up, but this got me thinking: how do we turn our setbacks into stepping stones?".

"We're often challenged with setbacks in education... I want to talk about common types of setbacks leaders face and how we can bounce back.".

"Emotional resilience is vital... Daniel Goleman's work on emotional intelligence focuses on self-awareness and self-regulation as crucial in handling setbacks effectively.".

"In crisis, first, immediately deal with the issue... then seek support and resources... and finally, adapt and find alternative solutions."

Thank you for tuning in, and as always, if you found this international school leadership podcast episode useful, please share your experience. You can find me online on X, Linkedin and Instagram: @leaningshane. My website is

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About the host

Shane Leaning is a passionate organisational development enthusiast with over 11 years of international teaching and leadership experience. His approach to coaching and professional development is all about approachability and attentiveness to the unique strengths and contexts of schools and educators. Shane believes that empowerment fosters growth and success for both educators and students alike.


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